Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Free Workshop about School Accommodation Plans

Project Self-Sufficiency will host a free workshop, “Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act,” on Tuesday, May 3rd, at 6:00 p.m.  Participants will discuss the benefits of 504 accommodation plans for students who are struggling in school, and learn about the right to services and accommodations for students with disabilities and special health or emotional needs.  The workshop is presented by Project Sussex Kids, the Sussex County Council for Young Children, in conjunction with the Statewide Parent Advocacy Network.  Refreshments and childcare will be provided. 

Project Self-Sufficiency is a community-based non-profit organization which specializes in services for low-income families in northwestern New Jersey.  Programs offered at Project Self-Sufficiency include family literacy education, computer training and job placement services, assistance with parenting skills, childcare, counseling and advocacy, referrals, and help with emergency basic needs.  Information about the programs and services offered at Project Self-Sufficiency is available at or by calling 973-940-3500 or 844-807-3500. 

Project Self-Sufficiency is located at 127 Mill Street in Newton.  “Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act” is free and open to the public, but registration is required.  Register on line at

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